Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In 400 words, create your ideal place

It's a deep night with the stars dancing merrily in the sky, and the moon gently emitting a silky pearl light. The ancient trees swing lazily in the warm late spring wind, their emerald leaves whispering kindnesses and wisdom for only the listening to hear. A small glade is tucked deep into the forest. It holds an abundance of flowers of many hues and the softest green grass that tickles your face pleasantly when you rest your head down on it's surface. A crisp, cool stream trickles through part of the glade, so clear and sweet, enough to want to drink in earnest. Far away from any city and any bustle or worry, it is a piece of magic that allows you to release all you hold inside and just be. It is the perfect, most comfortable temperature and while you are tucked safetly into the folds of velvet cool grass, you can gaze up into the heavenly bodies embedded in the darkness and ponder the universe and what is beyond. But no worry, only wonder and awe at the absolute mystery of what is out there. You can dig your bare toes roughly into the dirt underneath you, and feel the gritty chilly earth, an earth that continues down, down, down into the scalding center to where it all began. You feel connected to it all. Eventually your eyes droop in somnolence and your mind becomes submerged in sleep.

When you awake the sun shines brightly to welcome you to a new day, peeping through the plump downy clouds. It's rays shoot out like streamers, lighting up parts of the world while leaving others in shadow. Your glade is lit up and it's natural smells fill your nostrils, bringing your mind into sharp awareness like the smell of citrus would. You wash your face with the translucent cold water and decide to wander through the forest. All the trees loom over your head, powerful and strong. Their bark is the color of chocolate and almond, their texture rough and cracked. Yet when you touch they feel like gentle creatures, born to protect the inhabitants of earth from violence and to give them shelter in difficult times. Their leaves hang calmly off the branches, letting the bright sunlight diffuse into pastel yellows and greens to hang in the air under the umbrella of the forest. You can see petite birds flutter and peck at the bead-like, rose berries, and their song pierces the otherwise hushed land.

This is the ideal place for relaxation and solace.